Our Purpose

Our main purpose is to collect and computerise Jersey's natural history and biological records so that these can be used by amateur and professional naturalists, ecologists and other researchers.

All biological records are collected from modern databases to old published records, private notes and now Facebook. We use the records to highlight knowledge gaps within Jersey’s flora and fauna. The biological records are vital for when environmental decision makers are planning to safeguard the Island’s biodiversity in the future as how can you protect a species if you don't know it's location or population trend. 



We opened in 2013 with the participation and support of Environment Guernsey Ltd., the Société Jersiaise and the States of Jersey Department of the Environment. Since then we have been continually expanding our database of natural history and are now holding over 420,000 biological records, representing over 8,000 species.


Jersey Biodiversity Centre Staff

Jon Rault - Jersey Biodiversity Centre Manager

Emily Wagdin - Outreach, Training, and Communications Officer

Simon Swain - Data Officer

Jersey Biodiversity Centre Committee

Chair - Anne Haden

Vice Chair - David Tipping 

Secretary - Judy Collins

Treasurer - Andrew Koester

Committee members: Yvonne Rabet, Paul Chambers, Alex Morel, Louise Whale


Charity number 230 (date of registration 11/10/2019)

Association of Jersey Charities – membership number AJC452

Data protection registration number: 57291

Children with nets catching insects