
The Marvellous World of Bees.

A vibrant buzz in hedgerows, gardens, parks and meadows is an all too familiar sound of summer. Thousands of insects move between bushes, flowers and trees during long sunny days in search of food and shelter; filling our countryside and beyond with a lively hustle and bustle.  

The Great Garden Bat Watch – A mindful activity to sit and watch nature

Please join the Jersey Bat Group and Jersey Biodiversity Centre for the fifth year of Great Garden Bat Watch.

We are asking if you could look for bats on an evening for 9th-11th June.  Head into your garden, or to an open space near your house or anywhere in the Island to look for bats. A perfect way to spend a summer evening!

Where: Any outside space (garden, park, lane, beach)

Samares Manor Bee Watching

A fantastic start of the easter holidays with bee watching at Samares Manor. We've been seeing lots of queen Common carder bumblebees along slide the solitary hairy-footed flower bees. The Herb garden has been a buzz of activity and we're even spotted some tiny mining bees sunbathing on the leaves warming up.

Spring Wildlife

One of the most beautiful and lively times of year is just around the corner. Longer evenings and warmer days mean spring is well on its way. Spring is one of the best times of year for any wildlife lover; flowers, insects, mammals, birds, and much more are starting to make their first appearances. Whether in your garden or out and about there is so much you can now look out for in the coming months.  

Hedgehogs in Autumn

It's that time of year again when summer has slowly come to an end. The colder, damper air draws in and the days become shorter. For some this may be upsetting that the hot sun and balmy evenings have disappeared, however for many of our local species autumn is the best time of year. 

Natures larder is full to the brim with berries and insects, perfect for one of our favourite little prickly mammals. The hedgehog. 

Hedgehogs are a native species in Jersey and the UK and have a lifespan of around 3-8 years. 

The Secret Life of Bees - lunch time talk - Sept2022

A lunch time talk on the secret lives of insects during the winter months and how we can prepare for their arrival in spring.

About this event

Bees are a beautiful animal to spot during our warmer months but understanding where they disappear off to is key in helping these animals thrive. Calling all gardeners and wildlife enthusiasts who always pondered where does the wildlife go?

Doors open at 13:00. Talk begins at 13:10 to finish at 13:45.