Jersey tree and hedgerow planting records

We are encouraging people to record when, where and what species of trees and hedging are being planted. This information will allow us to identify what has been planted and where. It will help the future planning and coordination of new woodland and wildlife corridors made for an array of wildlife. Records will also help to measure carbon sequestration as Jersey’s response to climate emergency as well as identifying the locations for any future invasive tree diseases that target particular species.

Suggested planting species list: HERE

Please make separate records for each hedgerow or area planted in the following form as mixed, complex, multi-geometry drawing is not supported.

You are about to submit a record to the Jersey Biodiversity Centre without logging in. If you are interested in wildlife we would like you to consider creating an account with the Jersey Biodiversity Centre which would have advantages including easier recording options and the ability to access your records in the future. We hope you will visit us again making additional biological records.

If you would like to create a personal account before submitting your record, please follow this link:
Personal details

Please provide your email address. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record.

Please provide your first name

Please provide your surname

Vague date mode:  *

Enter the date of planting. Either pick an exact date from the calendar, or if not known, enter a 4 digit year or month in the format "May 2020".


Enter the recorder's name, if different.

Enter the name of the organisation or individual responsible for planting.

Enter either individual counts of each species into the lists below, or a total count of trees / hedging plants in this entry field.

Please enter all species that were planted, the number planted and comments if required.
Step 1
{content} Select a species first

Use * as a wildcard when searching for species names.


Please give a location name to your planting site. This should be a local name, a field number or other descriptor.

Please zoom the map in to the location of your hedgerow, copse or tree planting, or use the search for a place on the map tool below to find the location. Once zoomed in, use the following map tools to define the location of the planted area:

  • If you are entering a hedgerow, please select the Draw Line tool on the map. Now click on the map at the start of the hedgerow, then click at each point along the line until the hedgerow is defined. Double click to finish.
  • If you are entering a woodland stand, please select the Draw polygon tool on the map. Now click on the map on an edge of the stand, then click at each point around the perimeter until the stand is defined. Double click to finish.
  • If you are entering a single tree, please select the Draw point tool on the map. Now click on the map at the location of the tree.
  • If you make a mistake you can either repeat the process to redraw it, or select the Modify selected feature tool, then click on the shape to select it. You will now be able to drag the shape using the grab-handles provided to correct it. Click once on the map when finished.

Once you've drawn the hedgerow or stand, the spatial reference of the centre will fill in automatically for you.


For most purposes please use WGS84 (decimal lat, long).

Or simply click on your rough position on the map.

Tick this box if you do not want your plantings to appear on publically available web maps (please note no personal details will appear on the map).

Please describe why you are planting and/or if it's part of a wider project or scheme you are part of.